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Producer Organization Development Fund (PODF)

Formation and Promotion of 01 Poultry and Apiculture FPO at Champhai
This project established a Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO) at Champhai District, with the clusters at N. Khawbung, Zotlang and Zote in order to develop a sustainable value chain for production and marketing of honey and layer brown eggs. Farmers can earn additional income from meat production besides their main crops which are seasonal, thus earning a year-round income.
The project was sanctioned in July 2023.
Villages Covered - North Khawbung, Zotlang, Zote
No. of Farmers - 60
Duration of Project - 03 years (July 2023 - May 2026)
Sanction amount - Rs. 11,44,000/- (Rupees Eleven Lakhs Forty Four Thousand only)

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